Joint Concerts with Local Ensembles

Performing with a local musical ensemble is a wonderful way for a visiting group to connect with the local culture and enjoy the camaraderie and friendship that results from meeting new people who share the same passion for music. Joint performances are also a great way to assure good-sized audiences for the concerts, with family and friends of the local ensembles plus members of the local community attending the performances.

Workshops with Local Conductors / Directors

Workshops with local directors focusing on one or two pieces of music native to Latin America are always a great way for a visiting ensemble to expand its musical horizons and enrich its repertoire. LACT chooses qualified directors from among its network of local ensembles to lead these workshops.

Provision of Instruments

LACT has access to many different types of musical instruments for rental. Most quality instruments are imported in this part of the world and are expensive relative to the average person’s income so they are not plentiful. They are generally not available for rental through commercial stores and usually must be acquired from private individuals who rent or loan them only to people that they know and trust, such as ourselves.